Thursday, February 9, 2017


Yesterday I noticed one of Tony's canine teeth was badly chipped. It  is down to the root, but sideways on his tooth. We will definitely see Banfield Pet Hospital as soon as we get to one. This does not seem to bother him. 

There is still a very, very slight discharge from his eyes as  well. I did tell Lauderdale Pet Lodge about this when they asked (the eyes, not the tooth) and they claim no other complaints about such things so it is not their swim pool for the dogs. Hmm... Well, we won't be using them again anyway. 

Now on the lighter side, as soon as I went into the restroom guess who got on my little travel laptop? I had no idea he could read in Spanish! Apparently he was looking up hunting techniques because of the happenings later in the day. 

NO animal, reptile, or human was 
harmed in the following event. 

John took Tony out for his last evening relief when Tony again wanted to chase something. Mind you, he was still on a leash but managed to catch this small iguana. He was very proud and brought it back to the trailer and left it on the step. As John called me to see it, it tried to escape. Again, still hooked to his leash Tony caught it! After the photo John put Tony in and took the iguana over to the larger rocks where apparently it quickly departed because it was gone the next time he looked. I noticed the iguana was missing part of its tail so maybe it was slow and that why Tony was able  to catch it? Tony the Great Gray Hunter was very proud of himself! 


  1. Aww I hope he's OK with his eyes and tooth. :(

  2. I know. He does not seem in any pain. The eyes are all but clear but the tooth is a concern. I suppose they will want to remove it before it forms an abscess or something. :-(
