Friday, February 10, 2017

Monument Lake, FL -Big Cypress Nat'l Preserve - Day 40

Miles 148 

Today we left Knights Key and drove to Big Cypress National Preserve. We are staying at Monument Lake Campground for two nights. The Senior Rate is half price so two nights for $28. We enjoyed a beautiful drive out of the Keys. The water is such a lovely aqua color in so many places. We wanted to drive through one of the State Parks to take a look but they do not allow that. They told us the sites are right on the ocean, $43, with water and electric, but no sewer. There is a  dump station. The Florida Keys really are unique and we are glad we came to take a look. After we left the Keys we got gas, at lunch, and got a few groceries at Walmart. Then we then left Hwy and got on State Route 997 until we picked up Hwy 41 into the Everglades and the Preserve. It was a nice drive with some different views. We were very happy when we arrived at Monument Lake Campground, it is a lovely place. The lake is small, has alligators (but the only one seen by anyone in a long time is a 3 ft one we saw tonight too), and turtles. You fish at your own risk and you DO NOT swim in the lake. The person camped next to us said they saw several alligators along Hwy 41 on the way here, in the canal by the road. We actually looked for some but never even saw one! We are in a campsite that has gravel for parking the trailer but then a grassy area with a table and a fire pit. We have a palm tree and another tree for afternoon shade. It is just rejuvenating! We both commented how the cream colored gravel surrounding us, the insects, and the lack of trees at  Knights Key became depressing. It is also much cooler here and so far, no No See-Ums! We did see a couple mosquitoes but those cannot come through our screens and are easy enough to spot if they do come in the door with us. We played cards outside in the lovely fresh air and perfect temperature. After taking Tony for a walk we went to a little ranger program at 7p up by the camp host. We walked up and watched the tales of flora and fauna in the area. The moon is so bright tonight we even have a shadow! While I though Gators would be our main concern, apparently they are overrun with Pythons! They have even hired special Python hunters from India to come to catch and exterminate them, or at least keep them under control. This is creepy for sure. I won't be going out of the trailer after dark anymore!  
Leaving the Keys
Monument Lake
Our Camp
A Small Gator!
A Beautiful Moon Tonight


  1. I am fascinated by alligators, but have never seen one "in the wild" of course. Praying there are NO python sightings. YUCK YUCK YUCK.

  2. We saw a lot yesterday. They shy away whe a car drives up. I did get a video. Of course if Tony was offered as a morsel I'm sure they would grab him.
