Thursday, November 8, 2012

Whispering Pines-Thursday

It was chilly this morning, we have grown to love our heater!!!  Before I said I would not want a heater but clearly I did not think that through!  It is great to have it in the morning and even a few times at night.  We stay warm during the night with our bedding, no problems.  After the initial chill this morning the sun came out and we had clear, blue skies all day!

We spoke with our only other neighbor, besides the owner, this morning.  He and his wife and pup have been here for a month.  He has a pretty big rig but he no longer drives it, someone tows it here for him and sets it up.  Such friendly people wherever we go.

This morning Tara texted and they don’t want to go to Cumming today after all. They want to go tomorrow instead.  This is fine and did things today that we were going to do tomorrow.  I worked on decorations, John got a haircut, we ate Mexican food I had been craving, and we figured out where to order photos to leave with Tara so she can make an album for Joseph.  I am making her a small wedding album as well.  We tried to find them a Bible today, you know a nice family Bible.  Can you believe you cannot buy a Bible around here?  We went to several book stores and the option is to drive to another town where the Wal-Mart is to get one there.  It was funny to have such a search here in the “Bible Belt”!  People are so friendly here, if you ask a clerk for something chances are 3 or 4 customers might help you out too!  We eventually found an award-type Bible that we will use, but replace with a nicer one after we get home.  Besides the above mentioned activities we also had fun doing laundry!  It was a full day!

We will serve sparkling cider and cake after the ceremony, here are the glasses I decorated for the Bride and Groom. 

Wedding Prep

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