Thursday, May 21, 2020

43 Ranch & June's House

May 21: So this morning we had a plan to head to 43 Ranch. Before going there we knew we wanted to dump our tanks and also refill water if possible. We Googled for a place to dump and it said there was a sanitation plant about 1.5 miles from us with a dump station so we figured we would try it. As we drove in we passed a worker leaving and asked. Nope. There is a dump station  at  the main plant a few miles further down the road. We headed there. Upon arrival it looked pretty deserted, then we  saw a sign. "No RV Dump Station" - Back on 101 for us and to the Chevron Station that claims to have a dump station. We arrived and wouldn't you know that a gas truck was deploying his load and parked right in front of the Dump Station. We waited, ate lunch at the McDonald's, filled our gas tanks, then waited for a second truck to move - Finally we can make our way to the RV Dump Station. No options for fresh water for our tank but we have quite a bit left. We called ahead as requested, 43 Ranch is ready for us. We were warmly welcomed and invited to park anywhere we liked. It is dry but nicely landscaped. The tasting room is closed, we'll see what the day brings.
As the afternoon progressed we walked around the area appreciating the landscape. They even have a Tesla charging station here! I loved the swing in the big tree. It looks like there is a fire pit being made and there is a long picnic table outside of the tasting room. Another RV arrived, then the owners arrived. The owners Greg & Cindy are a delightful couple. The Ranch has been in their family since the 1600's, they are fifth & sixth generations operating this ranch. The decor inside the tasting room reflects this and the photos of the ancestors were intriguing. They gave us a lovely olive oil tasting and a tour of the olive press area. It was an educational, tasty, and enjoyable afternoon. We bought olive oil and some lovely soap. The wind really picked up but it was still a very pleasant stay. I was surprising how quite 101 was in during the night.  
May 22: We left around 9a. We have several hours drive to make it to June in Modesto this afternoon. I am eager to see her and visit. It was a lovely drive up 101, I haven't been on that stretch of the highway for years. The various agriculture views were captivating. We forget just how much of our state is "feeding the world" and how hard it can be. We cut off 101 and took a less traveled road to Atwater before picking up 99 and on to June's. She had snacks and dinner waiting for us, as usual. We parked in front of her house with no issues. It was really great since we could  enjoy some wine and not worry about driving or anything. So much fun! Her friendship means more that she can know. 

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