Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sequoia and Kings Canyon - June 21-24, 2012

Thursday, June 21:  We didn’t leave home until 10:55 am but that was okay, 94 degrees at home! I had to drop off my work and stop at the store for a few last minute things. Our drive up was uneventful and there was very little traffic. We did pull over for a few times for those who want to travel faster on these mountainous roads. We were surprised to see a queue at the entry gate. They are making some improvements and looks like they are going to build new entry kiosks. Hopefully, there will be more lanes and less waiting. However, it only took about 10 minutes there. It was refreshingly cool at 69 degrees! We were to Princess campground, Sequoia Kings Canyonsix miles past Grant’s Grove at 12:35 pm so that was pretty good time despite the short wait at the entrance of the park. Our campsite is very nice and quite level so it didn’t take long to be completely set up. John unhooked and leveled, lowered jacks while I prepared lunch inside. We ate our lunch of taco salad and a delightful glass of Syrah (a friend gave us a bottle to celebrate our first trip!). We ate at the table outside, that’s what we like to do best. After lunch andSequoia Kings Canyon a little reading we ventured back up the road to Grant’s Grove to see what might have changed since our last visit, probably 8-9 years ago! We were gathering some information and surprised to hear that there are always open campsites, even on weekends. The Ranger told us the campgrounds weren’t even full on Memorial Day weekend. With a $20 entrance fee, I can understand that. It is a free entrance fee for Senior with the Golden Age passport and anyone can buy and annual pass for $30. We used to do that when we came up here a lot more often with the kids and also church Sequoia Kings Canyoncamps at Hume Lake. Anyway we looked at the other camps and took some photos for Deb as she was interested. We headed back to camp to fix dinner. Tonight it was pork chops, mushrooms, and salad with fresh crisp sweet red peppers. Dishes are done, things put away, we are cozy in our little trailer as the temperature drops.

We don’t have phone service in our campground, I believe because it is on the way heading down into Kings Canyon. We did have 4G full service up at Grant’s Grove. The campsites nearer to Grant’s Grove (Sunset, Azalea, and Crystal Creek) all had service, either 3G or 4G. They also have flush toilets, where as Princess does not. However, most but not all the other campsites seem to be closer together than they are at Princess. We are self contained anyway, so it doesn’t matter. Of course we have a list of things to remember next time!

Friday, June 22:  After a quick breakfast of oatmeal and a banana and delicious coffee from the unbreakable press we were off to Kings Canyon. Oh yes, I did pack our picnic lunch as well. Our plan was for the first stop to be Boyden Cavern and our timing was Sequoia Kings Canyonperfect for the 11 am tour. We were there quite early and after buying tickets (no senior discounts, AAA 10%) we poked around a bit taking a few pictures and such. The tour was interesting even if a repeat for both of us. It is a beautiful place and the young Ranger did a good job narrating.

From there we headed down to the floor of the canyon. We found a nice place along the river and ate our picnic lunch, watching for fish in the river. We didn’t see any. There are many wild flowers still in bloom and the Buckeye is in bloom as well. It got hazier as we went. Eventually we could smell smoke so certainly it was a fire. The smoke was blowing into Kings Canyon from Redwood Canyon. What a disappointment this would be for people if it was their first time here. The views were mostly spoiled by the smoke hanging in the valley. Nonetheless, we had a nice drive and took aSequoia Kings Canyon dirt road on the opposite side of the river to come back, in hopes of seeing some wildlife, only birds, but it too was a nice drive. This portion of our drive came out to paved road at the stables. We took a left back to Cedar Village, which wasn’t much. The bridge was either washed out or destroyed to make a new bridge. I recalled a little market place there, which no longer exists I guess. They do have laundry facilities and token operated showers. We took the loop back, back tracked and drove through three of the four campgrounds, one is still closed and will reopen in another week. There are just a handful of sites right along the river. Other than that it seems about 10 degrees warmer down here, even at this high elevation.

Heading back out of the canyon we took most turnouts to enjoy the Sequoia Kings Canyonlovely views, despite the smoke. We took our last detour of the day into the Hume Lake campground. There is just a few sites there that back up to the lake itself. We also swung through the Christian Camp, with hordes of people, mostly teens. Looks like they are all having a lot of fun. We went as far as Sandy’s Cove and then headed back. The day was rounded out with cards and dinner by the campfire, then reading ourselves to sleep.

Saturday, June 23:  Today we are going to take just a few short side trips so we have enough gas left to make it home.  There are few gas stations in the park.  In retrospect we should have gotten a little gas either at Hume Lake or on our way back up yesterday. 

Our first stop was by the General Grant parking area so we could Sequoia Kings Canyonmake a couple of phone calls and check messages.  We didn’t walk to the actual General Grant this time.  However, we took another dirt road trip out to Chicago Stump trailhead.  There is a giant stump there, first known as the General Noble Tree, that was cut down and portions above the cut were taken to Chicago World’s Fair, what a waste because people still did not believe the size of the tree at that time and thought it was a hoax.  It is a short, easy walk to the stump from the little parking area.  We saw only 2 other vehicles the whole time, verySequoia Kings Canyon secluded and nice.  There are stumps all over in the meadows, sad to see but at least they are preserved now.  Our drive took a few hours and then we spent the rest of the day playing cards and relaxing.  Sadly, I am getting a sore throat, I think it might be all the pine pollen.  It seems colder tonight and I cooked a one pan meal inside to warm us up! 

Sunday, June 24:  It is a snap to pack it all up and head out.  They have a dump station at the Princess campground with a $10. fee.  Sequoia Kings CanyonThis seemed like a better plan than free at Paul Everts in So. Fresno because we would have to make a special trip.  This way it is all done.  As John took care of that I wiped the bathroom all down with disinfectant wipes and we are set for the next outing.  We made a brief stop at the visitor’s center on the way out and found out the fire is still burning in Redwood Canyon.  We were shocked to see the gray haze thick over the valley as we descended. At least it isn’t hot at home.  We made it back in 1.5 hours even with a stop for gas.  The trailer is all put away now, food unloaded, laundry done!  Boy, the van needs a bath inside and out! 

Sequoia Kings Canyon

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